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They have to get this right for America to have a real chance

About that Presidential Pardon. . .

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About that “Government Efficiency”

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Joe Biden added $1 trillion to the national debt in just 118 days

Andrew Jackson was never supposed to be President. When he entered the presidential race in 1828, most of the ‘experts’ viewed him as a joke candidate with no chance of victory. Party insiders assumed that, at most, Jackson might steal a few votes from opposition candidates… but that he was

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In 1227 AD, Genghis Khan stood at the apex of his power, commanding the largest contiguous empire that the world— even to this day— has ever seen. His campaigns had subjugated vast swathes of Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, and his name alone struck fear into the hearts

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Much has been written about Warren Buffett having sold a substantial amount of stocks. And his company, Berkshire Hathaway, is sitting on a record $325 billion cash pile as a result. Buffett has often said that his preferred holding period for an investment is “forever”. So the fact that he

What About Gold?

It was early January 2020, and weird things were happening in the world. Socialism was on the march in the Land of the Free. Conflict, it seemed, was exploding everywhere, both abroad (North Korea, Iran, Yemen) and at home. And most notably, over in China, the Communist government was literally

What Are You Resisting, Gavin?

The blood isn’t even dry on the corpse of Kamala’s billion dollar presidential campaign, and the opportunists in her party are already shamelessly jockeying for power. California Governor Gavin Newsom has just called a “special legislative session,” to “Trump-proof” his state and “safeguard California values”. Naturally we’re left wondering, what

Peter Schiff: The Fed is trying to save itself at your expense

Well, inflation is up again. You’re probably not surprised, and neither are we. Over the past few months, in fact, we’ve repeated again and again that inflation will keep rising, and even identified some strange reasons why. Remember back during the early days of the pandemic when used car prices

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