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This guy made up a country and made a fortune from it

December 9, 2014 Santiago, Chile When Gregor MacGregor returned to London he was a real celebrity. He had just come back from the New World, where he had a number of successful exploits fighting in the South American struggle for independence and was made the Major-General of the Venezuelan republican

We seem to have miscalculated

December 8, 2014 London, England [Editor’s note: Tim Price, London-based wealth manager, is filling in for Simon today.] You can be for gold, or you can be for paper, but you cannot possibly be for both. It may soon be time to take a stand. The arguments in favour of

It’s official (finally): The US is no longer the world’s #1 economy

December 5, 2014 Santiago, Chile It seems rather appropriate that just seven days after the US government hit a whopping $18 trillion in debt, mainstream financial media has picked up the IMF’s recent World Economic Outlook report, which puts the US economy as #2 in the world. There’s no shortage

Game over, Japan

December 5, 2014 Santiago, Chile Making up the highest stratosphere in Japanese society, the samurai had quite a reputation to uphold. Beyond honor and loyalty, they had to keep up appearances by wearing only the highest quality clothing and by being seen in only the best establishments. The samurai image

Here’s what happens when you buy stocks at their all time highs

December 4, 2014 Santiago, Chile One of the great myths about investing that we’re told by the mainstream investment education is that we should “buy and hold” for the long term. I remember being taught in a personal finance class long ago that I should just buy the S&P 500

Why Singapore is the best place to store your gold

December 4, 2014 Santiago, Chile On May 15, 1855 one of the greatest gold robberies in history occurred. Three British firms had arranged for some of their gold to be sent from London to Paris by ferry and train. The gold was stored in solidly built boxes secured within iron

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