Category: Trends & News


Peter Schiff: It’s like the Fed is being run by Tony Fauci now…

We all remember it. For more than two years, every single person in the United States was subjected to the exasperating melodrama known as Dr. Anthony Fauci. A career bureaucrat who headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Fauci hypnotized much of the country and convinced people that he was the

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This is one of the only ways they can tame inflation and save the dollar

There are only seven countries in the world that have a GDP in excess of $3 trillion: the United States. China. Germany. Japan. India. United Kingdom. And France. Microsoft’s current market capitalization is also right around $3 trillion… which means that out of the 193 countries in the world that are recognized by

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A former Fed official finally tells the truth about inflation…

My sister used to be a reporter for Fox News based in south Florida and would regularly be assigned to cover NASA press conferences. And she’s often told me about how reporters were terrified to ask any real questions. They’re not astrophysicists and don’t understand the first thing about rocket propulsion, and most

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Rearranging the deck chairs on the USS Political Fraud

fraud (noun) /frôd/ : “DECEIT, TRICKERY, specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another [person] to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. An act of deceiving or misrepresenting.” This is the actual definition of fraud from Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Of course, anyone who has talked about fraud over the

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The media has finally, once and for all, lost all credibility

Obviously the attempted assassination of Donald Trump represents a grim milestone on America’s path of decline, as I wrote about in detail on Monday. But the legacy media’s response to it may also go down as a major turning point: the moment they finally lost all credibility. Now, clearly for a long time

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“Inflationary Forces”? Duh.

Jamie Dimon is the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, one of the world’s largest banks. And last week he issued a stern warning on the bank’s quarterly earnings call that “multiple inflationary forces” are still lurking. File that one away under “duh”. It should be completely obvious to just about anyone paying attention

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America’s adversaries cannot believe what they’re seeing.

Rarely are events recognized in real time as obvious historical turning points. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is one of them, and it will go down as a clear marker in the history of America’s decline. It epitomizes the chaos and disorder that characterize the current state of affairs. And it escalates

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Inspired Idiots: 2 Examples of the Left Losing Control

Recently, we noticed a few examples of obvious contradictions to the left’s narrative. Here’s the hypocritical, the counterproductive, and the tone-deaf stances they’ve taken, just in the past week. Carjacker Shot By Justice Sotomayor’s Security Outside Her DC Home Earlier this week, 18 year old Kentrell Flowers attempted to carjack a man he

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Boots on the ground in the world’s Bitcoin paradise

[Editor’s note: This letter was written by Schiff Sovereign’s CEO, Viktorija Simulynaite, who is on the ground in El Salvador.] The first thing my driver said to me after I got off the plane in El Salvador was, “Welcome to my country. It’s very safe here now.” I chuckled to myself because this

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Some thoughts on America for her 248th birthday

When the 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence 248 years ago tomorrow, they were creating much more than a nation. They were giving birth to an idea. America, at its core, is an idea. And it’s one that ranks as one of the greatest innovations in the

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Shocker— the World Economic Forum is full of racist hypocrites

Tiffany Hart spent nearly a decade working at the World Economic Forum until she finally reached her breaking point in 2022. “We don’t eat our own dog food,” she said of her former organization. “We [the World Economic Forum] promote inclusion and improving the state of the world and women’s issues but do

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Their panic would almost be gratifying if it weren’t so ominous

“The President is very sharp,” former congressman and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough told audiences not long ago. “Some NATO leaders have told me they were very surprised… because he is so sharp and he’s on top of everything.” MSNBC further trotted out various guests and hosts, including Mika Brzezinski, to gush about Joe

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Comrade Lizzie is coming for your money again

Senator Elizabeth Warren gave another speech on taxes a few days ago proving, yet again, that she is coming for your money. It’s always thinly veiled behind the refrain of making “the rich” (as defined in her sole discretion) pay their “fair share” (also defined in her sole discretion). Frankly she’s been shrieking

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