“I’m not here to poo poo you,” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told 4.8 million followers on a live Instagram broadcast over the weekend.
“I’m not here to say you’re wrong. Or that you’re a bad person. . . I’m not here to shame you.”
She was talking, of course, to people who aren’t particularly fired up about voting for Joe Biden.
But to AOC, not voting for Biden is the worst possible sin. And despite promising to not “poo poo” anyone, she went on for 41 minutes basically poo pooing everyone who wasn’t willing to vote for Joe Biden.
It doesn’t matter whether you agree with him, whether you trust him, whether you think he’s competent or qualified, or whether his plans make any sense.
It doesn’t matter that AOC herself constantly slammed Biden throughout the primary race as a tired, outdated hack.
She has now decreed how every sensible, decent human being must vote. She doesn’t believe you should have a choice in the matter, including not voting at all.
(She also had a political hit list of half a dozen Senators to whom “she needs you to give the boot. . .”)
To be clear, I’m incredibly anti-political. I’m not ‘for’ any politician. I’ve never voted in a political election, and I find the entire process pointless; unless you live in a handful of swing states, any vote cast for a presidential candidate doesn’t matter anyhow.
But I still believe that people have the fundamental right to vote for whoever they want, or to exercise the right to not vote at all… and not be subject to the commands of AOC or anyone else.
Honestly a lot of her broadcast seemed more like a terrorist propaganda video than an impromptu political rally.
“Let this moment radicalize you,” she said, in reference to the fight to replace the recently-departed Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
“We can, and must fight. . . I need you to be ready. . . I need you to do this. You need to do more. Everyone has to do more.”
What exactly does she want us to do?
Whatever it takes. “There’s no limitation,” she said.
“I’m scared all the time,” she confessed to her supporters. “I’ve had moments where I’m terrified.” But then she explained how she turns her fear into fuel, and encouraged her followers to do the same.
I have a feeling this is how Al Qaida used to recruit suicide bombers. And any ‘normal’ American (i.e. not a sitting politician) would probably end up on a watch list if they had broadcast that same message.
AOC went on to say that this fight, the struggle, the ‘peaceful protests’, the occupy movements, “are tools that we are going to have to use for the rest of our lives. . . this is not over. We win in November– I’m sorry to tell you, you’re not going back to brunch. . . . that’s not happening. There is no going back after November. Gear up.”
Wow. No going back? The rest of our lives? Gear up? If you believe AOC’s melodrama, this isn’t even an election. This woman really seems like she’s rallying the troops and preparing for war.
Frankly it would be pretty comical if AOC weren’t so popular. The video was seen by millions of people and received over half a million likes, with doting comments by radicalized supporters.
Personally I don’t buy it.
I believe most people are sane and normal, and the fringe radicals and shrieking Twitter mob are merely an incredibly loud, yet small minority.
AOC likes to fancy herself as a righteous political vigilante. She loves the idea that her words strike fear in her opponents, as if she’s Bruce Wayne beating capitalist oppressors to a pulp by night with her bare fists. That’s the legend she’s trying to build.
To me she just sounds like another clueless drama queen. It’s not scary, it’s just pathetic.
But I still have a Plan B in case I’m dreadfully wrong, and AOC ends up with authority to do more than poo-poo her enemies.
And when I see videos like this, it strikes me as more sensible than ever to have a strong, robust Plan B.