Majority of Americans against Obamacare says new CBS poll

When Barack Obama came into office, one of his platforms was “health care for everyone”. Hence Obamacare was created and it is now scheduled to be examined by the Supreme Court over its constitutionality. In an election year however, this legislation may hurt his reelection chances as a new CBS poll reports most Americans are not in favor of the mandate in its current form:

“… nearly seven in ten Americans want the Supreme Court to overturn either all or President Obama’s health care law or strike down just the individual mandate.

In the poll released on Thursday, 41 percent of those polled think Mr. Obama’s health care law should be overturned completely by the Supreme Court, with another 27 percent of respondents saying they want the court to keep the law but overturn the mandate.

Nearly one-quarter – twenty-four percent – of respondents want the entire law upheld. The margin of error is three percentage points.

The percentage that wants to see the entire law abolished is up slightly since April, when 37 percent said they wanted the court to overturn the full law, 29 percent said only the mandate should be overturned and 23 percent wanted the whole law upheld.

As the Supreme Court decision on the health care law is expected this month, the new poll shows that Republicans are much more likely to want the entire law overturned than Democrats, with 67 percent wanting the law to be overturned compared to 20 percent of Democrats. While 42 percent of Democrats say they want the entire law to be upheld, 42 percent of Independent respondents say they want the Supreme Court to overturn the whole law. Tea Party supporters are especially likely to want the entire law to be overturned — 70 percent support that”

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