What happened in Mexico City this weekend…

I can’t believe this place is so nice!”

That’s what we kept hearing over and over again this past weekend in Mexico City, where we held a private event for our Total Access members.

Both the event, and the city, were absolutely phenomenal.

We held the event at the JW Marriott hotel in the upscale neighborhood of Polanco. And everything from the food, the friendly people, the architecture, and the surprising abundance of parks and greenery all over the city, completely shattered people’s expectations of Mexico City.

After a wonderful dinner with our Total Access members on Thursday night (in which we rented out an entire restaurant in Polanco), I kicked off the conference on Friday morning with a big-picture overview of the world.

I actually made the audio of my remarks available via podcast, which you can listen to here.

I explained how the world has enjoyed decades of low inflation, geopolitical stability, abundant global trade, plentiful labor, and cheap energy.

But now the world is shifting to an environment of higher inflation, geopolitical conflict, economic antagonism, fractured labor markets, and energy scarcity.

The end result of these trends is most likely sustained, higher inflation. And central bankers are powerless to do anything about it.

Fortunately we’ve seen this movie before; the world has been in this position many, many times in the past. And as irritating as inflation may be, it also brings about a number of significant investment opportunities.

We discussed a number of these over the weekend, and one of our featured speakers was the managing partner at a prominent New York investment firm specializing in natural resources.

He gave an outstanding talk about energy, and how policymakers are doing everything wrong.

He showed us the math, proving that ‘green’ energy sources like wind and solar are actually quite pitiful; they produce surprisingly high amounts of CO2, and they’re incredibly inefficient.

The most compelling technology is nuclear; it’s clean, low-emission, and highly efficient.

Yet politicians continue to reject nuclear and push for renewable energy. And this is actually quite silly.

Europe is dealing with a major energy crisis, partly because they’re so dependent on Russian gas, and partly because they’ve dismantled conventional power sources in favor of inefficient renewables.

Now the renewables aren’t producing enough power to keep up with European demand. Gee who could have possibly predicted that the sun doesn’t shine enough in Germany?!?!

You’d think that Europe’s environmentally fanatical politicians would be dealing with their energy crisis firing up their nuclear reactors.

But no. Instead they are doing the opposite— tearing down their nuclear reactors… and firing up dirty coal power plants. They’re even chopping down trees to use wood as a (very dirty and inefficient) energy source.

Their incompetence truly boggles the mind.

At the end of his remarks, we had an extended Q&A sessions where he gave us a number of compelling investments among stocks, agriculture, and commodities to consider, including the names of several highly profitable, undervalued energy companies that he believes will vastly outperform the market.

Another speaker from the event, George Gammon, agreed that we are moving towards an energy-led commodities supercycle, and that over the next few years, more and more investment capital will flow back into commodities businesses (agriculture, mining, and energy), substantially pushing up their stock prices.

We also talked a lot about why I call productive technology.

I explained to our members that, for nearly all of human history, most technology was productive.

Some technology (like the atomic bomb) was highly destructive. But most technology solved real problems and propelled our civilization forward— starting from the invention of the wheel to the microprocessor, Internet, and even mobile phones.

But lately, technology has been much more consumer-oriented.

Most of the wealthiest “tech” companies don’t solve real problems. Instead make it easier for us to spend money (Amazon), watch movies (Netflix), or make teenage girls feel insecure about themselves (Facebook).

This is not productive technology. At best it’s consumptive technology that wastes our time and money, and turns people into mindless automatons who swipe and scroll our way through life.

And in some cases like Facebook and TikTok, the technology has been weaponized to become destructive.

But in my view this new shift to an inflationary environment creates a major opportunity for productive technology that once again solves real problems.

That’s why I introduced the audience to my colleague Charlie, the founder of a British startup dedicated to solving a gargantuan, multi-billion dollar problem in the global supply chain.

Charlie’s business is doing so well that he’s already signed on enormous customers, including a number of Fortune 500 businesses, along with a multi-billion dollar operating partner.

It was a great example of the sorts of opportunities that exist in the world today if you focus on value creation and problem solving.

After a wonderful dinner on Friday night, we kicked off another day of the event on Saturday with our featured keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Malone.

Dr. Malone helped lay the groundwork for the mRNA technology used in many COVID vaccines. But he has been vilified in the media as a spreader of ‘disinformation’ for speaking basic truths related to COVID controls.

Dr. Malone gave us a riveting speech that covered a range of topics, including some startling revelations about gain of function research and future pandemics.

He also spoke a lot about centralization.

Throughout history, governments have famously worked to expand their authority and centralize power. We saw this with the Soviet Union’s hilariously inept central economic planners. And we saw this all over the world during the pandemic, as governments centralized their public health powers.

We will most likely continue to see more attempts at centralization.

But as Dr. Malone reminded us, central planning almost invariably fails. Power is ultimately vested in the individual. And as I like to say, we are in charge of ourselves, of our livelihoods, of our health, and of our children’s education. We decide how to live our own lives.

This is why our organization exists. We provide research about different options all over the world— from banking and investment options, to lifestyle, education, medical care, and more.

We believe that the more options you have at your disposal, the more free and in-control of your own life you can be.

And that’s ultimately the mission of our company— to help you take back control.

That’s actually why we hosted our Total Access event in Mexico over the weekend.

Mexico is obviously not perfect. Just like everywhere else, it has its flaws. But Mexico does have a lot of distinct advantages that provide several great options to help take back control. That’s why we also had local speakers, including attorneys who spoke to us about Mexican residency, citizenship, and tax law.

We also had local real estate agents who took members on tours to see property in Mexico City.

And I even brought our doctor from Cancun who delivered both of my children, so we could talk about the advantages and benefits of giving birth here in Mexico.

Overall the event was exceptional. But my favorite part of the weekend, by far, was spending time with our Total Access members.

Our members are some of the kindest, most intelligent and open-minded people I know. They come from all walks of life– doctors, lawyers, artists, entertainers, cattle ranchers, you name it. And they come from all ages, all over the world.

Yet our members share core values, including a strong sense of freedom and independence. They also understand the importance of having a network of like-minded people.

So do I.

That’s why, over the past 10-years since we launched Total Access, my favorite part of our regular, private events is spending time with members.

Total Access is like an extended family for me, and it’s been wonderful to build close relationships with so many members. It’s also been delightful to see members (including brand new ones) build strong relationships with one another.

We closed the event with a final big dinner on Saturday night, (about 150 people in attendance), taking over another spectacular restaurant in Polanco called ‘Animal’.

It was exceptional; the restaurant quality of Mexico City is one of the best I’ve experienced in all of my travels to more than 120 countries on all seven continents.

I’d like to thank all of the members who attended the event.

And, if you’re also someone who values freedom, independence, and a strong network of like-minded people, I’d encourage you to think about Total Access. The members are really phenomenal people.

(You can learn more about Total Access, and join our mailing list, by clicking here.)

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