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Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation

Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lina “Genghis” Khan’s Rampage Continues

Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

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US national debt soars by $100 billion. . . in just 8 hours

According to the latest statement issued yesterday afternoon by the Department of Treasury, the US national debt has reached $19,976,826,951,047.80. That’s $19.976 trillion, as of the close of business on Friday December 30, 2016. (The government is typically a day or two behind when it sends out these reports.) That

The coming crackdown on Free Speech

It’s amazing what can happen in a week. Before this publication went on hiatus last week, one of the last letters I wrote to you in 2016 was about the National Defense Authorization Act and its treasure trove of freedom-killing provisions. Section 1287, for example, creates a new agency called

071: How can anyone trust these people?

What I’m about to tell you is a true story. And by the end of it, I hope it will be pretty clear that we’ve been programmed to put far, far too much trust in the banking system. We’re told that banks are supposedly “risk free”. And yet every scrap

Italy proves that banks are not the risk-free fantasy we’re told to believe

In the late 1400s, the city-states of Italy were among most dominant powers in the world. Most of the city-states had abandoned the feudal system that persisted across Europe. So Italy was one of the only places on the continent where anyone, including foreigners, could work hard, take risks, and

Three ridiculous ways Congress plans to Keep America Safe Again

Around the time of Passover in 67 AD, the Jews of Judea were in the midst of a major rebellion against the occupying Roman Empire. Riots and violence were commonplace, and an organized rebel force of more than 25,000 men fought regularly against the imperial legions. But a small group

How is Martin Sheen any different than Vladimir Putin?

One of the quirks about being an expat in a faraway land is that, whenever something unusual happens in your home country, your local friends look to YOU for answers. You become, by default, the de facto expert of your home country’s nuances. Case in point: this weekend we had

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