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Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lina “Genghis” Khan’s Rampage Continues

Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

Inspired Idiot of the Week: California Edition

This Country is Giving Away 5,000 FREE Passports

The US government shattered its own quarterly debt record

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The cost of this Congressional seat increased 23.5x in 6 years.

What do you think have been the best performing assets over the past several years? Perhaps it’s Facebook stock, whose price is up 3.2x since it debuted in 2012. Or maybe Apple, whose stock has soared 4x since 2010. But neither of those companies’ stock performances holds a candle to

Investing through the Looking Glass

There are problems, and there are solutions. Problems first. 1. Banks. That a bank as big as RBS could crash spectacularly, twice, says something about the immutability of human nature. This is not to single out the Scots. Citibank, one of North America’s largest banking organisations, has also gone bankrupt

Is it Friday? It must be time for another major political scandal

There’s a long-standing joke in international finance that goes “Brazil is the country with the most potential… and always will be.” The idea is that a Brazil, with all of its immense resources and capacity, will never come close to realizing its potential because of how screwed up everything is.

You’re living in the most litigious society that has ever existed in human history…

I’ve been traveling for the past ten days with a group of friends, one of whom is a highly accomplished entrepreneur. I’ll call him Michael to keep things simple. Several years ago Michael started an automated domain business that used special software to buy domains, find the most likely buyer,

Three lessons from safari in Zimbabwe

There’s nothing quite like watching animals in the wild. I’ve spent the past four days at an enormous game reserve in Zimbabwe with a guide who would put Bear Grylls to shame. (Ironically, guides in Zimbabwe are the most highly qualified and well-respected in Africa– they undergo more years of

Zimbabwe goes down the path of hyperinflation… again.

Some people just don’t learn. After becoming the most famous case of hyperinflation in modern history roughly ten years ago, Zimbabwe is about to have another go at conjuring paper money out of thin air. I’m sure this time will be different. You know the story. Starting in the late

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