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Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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[Editor’s note: Tim Price, London-based wealth manager, is filling in for Simon today.] After the fall of France in 1940, Great Britain, under Churchill, fought on against the Nazis, virtually alone. Although she would ultimately be joined by the overwhelming military and economic might of the United States, for a

Here’s what happens when a currency hits an all-time low

I’ll start with an admission that I don’t do vacations very well. Or frequently. Over the past ten years I’ve probably only taken a week or two off in total. A big part of that is a deep character flaw of me being a workaholic… but that’s a natural extension

Your dog probably has better healthcare than you do

Below is a short email that my friend Sam posted this morning to his Facebook page about his surprisingly positive experience with the US healthcare system. I thought it a fantastic read, and I wanted to pass it along to you: I had to run to the emergency room today

Pre-crime returns to America with new Airbnb law

On Friday afternoon, New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill making it illegal to advertise your home for short-term rent on websites like Airbnb. The law specifically targets New York City homeowners in apartment buildings who advertise their properties, or even just a spare room in their homes,

This is a great way to make a lot of money overseas

I just had a great lunch with a couple of entrepreneurs that our Sovereign Private Investor group funded a few months ago with a $1.5 million investment. These guys are incredibly bright entrepreneurs, and they co-founded a wonderful business. Essentially they’re becoming an Alibaba or, supplying business product needs

About that “pillar” of American democracy…

The series of debates in the contest to see who will become Captain of the Titanic is finally over. And as the smoke clears from the evening’s entertainment, the main headlines are focusing on just one thing: Donald Trump’s pledged refusal to say he will accept the election results. The

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