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Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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The US government shattered its own quarterly debt record

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Breaking down Warren Buffett’s rosy outlook for America

There’s something about being insanely rich that people will believe every word that comes out of your mouth no matter how bizarre. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. Warren Buffett is an even better example. As one of the richest men in the world, Buffett’s opinions carry almost

ECB blames you for negative interest rates

Just after sunrise on April 19, 1775, a large contingent of British military troops arrived to the town of Lexington, Massachusetts. They were under orders to search for and confiscate all weapons and munitions from the colonials– something the British army had done countless times before. In many ways it

The game has changed. Time to learn the new rules.

[Editor’s note: Tim Price, London-based wealth manager, is filling in for Simon today.] In their efforts to jam the square peg of financial theory into the round hole of human nature, economists have perpetrated some pretty stupid things. But few of them are dumber than the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).

How to find companies selling for less than their bank balances

[Editor’s note: This letter was penned by Tim Staermose, Sovereign Man’s Chief Investment Strategist and editor of the 4th Pillar Investment Alert.] If you know me personally, you know I have a lot of hair. So when I go get a haircut, I always feel bad that the price is

A personal introduction [VIDEO]

It occurred to me this morning that there’s at least a 99% chance that you and I have never met. We’ve had some absolutely spectacular events all over the world where we’ve been joined by giants like Ron Paul, Jim Rogers, Robert Kiyosaki, Marc Faber, and many more. But even

It took me a year to close this deal (but it was worth it)

After a mind-numbing, year-long process, one of the longest business deals I’ve ever been involved with in my entire life finally closed a few days ago. I couldn’t be more excited. Through Sovereign Man’s parent company, we purchased a wonderful, Australia-based business that’s been around for over 20 years and

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