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Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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The US government shattered its own quarterly debt record

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Your do-it-yourself front page financial Armageddon story

[Editor’s note: Tim Price, London-based wealth manager, is filling in for Simon today.] “The media select, they interpret, they emotionalize and they create facts.. The media not only reduce reality by lowering information density. They focus reality by accumulating information where “actually” none exists.. A typical stock market report looks

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Earlier this week the State Department released its latest statistics for people who have renounced their US citizenship. 2015 was another record year, with 4,279 people divorcing themselves from the US government and heading to greener pastures elsewhere. This was the third year in a row that broke the previous

One of the world’s last great boomtowns

[Editor’s note: Our Chief Investment Strategist Tim Staermose is filling in for Simon today from Yangon, Myanmar.] Since so much of Asia is on holiday for the Lunar New Year, I decided to travel to Myanmar to check out how the economy is developing. Myanmar was once the wealthiest economy

059: Don’t count on banks and governments to go gentle into that good night…

Pop quiz: What was the top grossing movie in the world the last time the US tax code was overhauled? The answer is Top Gun. And the year was 1986. (Other major hits that year include Karate Kid II, Crocodile Dundee, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) Think about it– this

After 1,428 years here’s what brought down the world’s oldest business

In 578 AD, a Korean immigrant named Shigemitsu Kongo made his way to Japan at the invitation of the royal family. Buddhism was on the rise in Japan at the time; though it had only been introduced a few decades prior, the Empress consort had been actively encouraging the adoption

Inside the battle for control of the Federal Reserve

[Editor’s note: Tim Price, London-based wealth manager, is filling in for Simon today.] A Shandong 5000 electroglide flatbed currency printing machine named ‘Ted’ has edged ahead in a fiercely competitive fight for the chairmanship of the US Federal Reserve, narrowly in front of its major rival, the Heidelberger Druckmaschinen high

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