Puerto Rico Country Profile

For more details visit Puerto Rico (USA) Passport Ranking
  • Passport Grade
  • Passport Ranking
  • Passport Score
  • Visa-free Countries
  • Visa-required Countries
  • Access to the World's GDP
  • Access to the World's Surface Area
  • Access to the World's Population
  • Access to the Unesco Sites
Citizenship and Naturalization
Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
  • Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
    Unrestricted: Any child born in the territory automatically becomes a US citizen.
Naturalization - Standard Conditions
  • Minimum residency period
    See USA
  • Physical presence requirement
  • Language test
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
  • Can minor children naturalize?
    See USA
  • Can naturalized parents pass citizenship to a child born abroad?
    See USA
  • Can you lose naturalization due to prolonged absence/ naturalization elsewhere?
    See USA
Naturalization - Your Spouse is a Citizen
  • Living IN the country: Residency/marriage requirement
    See USA
  • Living ABROAD: Marriage requirement
  • Language test
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
Naturalization - Other Beneficial Provisions
  • Your child is a citizen
    See USA
  • Citizens of specific countries
"–": The provision has not been analysed.
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Taxation Type
A citizen of a country practicing CITIZENSHIP-BASED taxation generally pays taxes on their WORLDWIDE income, regardless of where they reside. The only way to get rid of a tax residency status in such a country is by renouncing citizenship.

The Act 60 incentives (former Act 20 and Act 22) can lower selected business income of any American to just 4%, and eliminate entirely capital gains tax on stocks, crypto.
Schiff Sovereign's Rolodex
Service Providers available in Puerto Rico (USA)
  • Immigration (residency, citizenship)
  • Full relocation services (real estate search, bank account opening, driver's licence, etc.)
  • Tax advice (attorneys and/or accountants)
  • Corporate services (company formation, etc.)
  • Real Estate (agents, lawyers)
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Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.
Puerto Rico (USA) Overview
  • Region
    North and South America
  • Capital City
    San Juan
  • Largest City
    San Juan
  • Currency
    United States dollar
  • Languages
    Spanish, English
  • Population
    3.3 million (136th)
  • Life Expectancy
    81.7 years (35th)
  • GDP (Nominal)
    $118.7 billion (62nd)
  • GDP/Capita
    $36,117 (33rd)
Useful Data
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Cost of Living
    Moderate (4/7)
  • Climate
    Average (3/5)
  • Safety
    Very Dangerous (6/7)
  • Pollution
    Average (3/5)
  • English Proficiency
    Very High (1/5)

Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.
Puerto Rico (USA) inside Schiff Sovereign resources

Articles featuring

International Diversification Strategies

This may be your last chance to take advantage of Puerto Rico’s best tax benefits

Imagine a place where you could spend all day sitting on a beautiful beach, sipping piña coladas, mingle with some of the most fascinating people you’ll ever meet, and not pay any taxes… It’s the classic dream of the offshore tax paradise. Unfortunately, that dream is largely dead due to Uncle Sam’s aggressive policies of […]

International Diversification Strategies

Puerto Rico Act 20 & 22: Guide & Personal Experience

Puerto Rico Tax Incentives:Ultimate Guide & My Personal Experience With Act 20 & Act 22 AUTHOR LAST UPDATED When I wake up and see the ocean in front of me, I have to pinch myself.  Here I am, living in a beautiful place that’s part of the United States… yet I pay ZERO US federal […]


100: Why you should absolutely consider Puerto Rico NOW

Welcome to another edition of the Sovereign Man podcast. As we enter 2019, you’ll start to see more podcasts from us. And you also might notice a few changes. We’ve upped the production value of our chats with Simon. And we’ll continue to improve both the production and the content of our podcasts. And we’d […]

International Diversification Strategies

Bolsheviks want to shut down Puerto Rico’s tax incentives

[Editor’s note: This letter was written by Sovereign Man team member Joe Jarvis, who recently moved to Puerto Rico.]  Local Puerto Ricans invariably tell me I’m overpaying on rent, and that I could have found a cheaper place to live. I’m sure that’s true. But somehow I’m not upset about my gorgeous view over the […]

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