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Inspired Idiot: Canadian “Healthcare” Edition

Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation

Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lina “Genghis” Khan’s Rampage Continues

Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

Inspired Idiot of the Week: California Edition

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Italy’s newest bank bailout cost as much as its annual defense budget

Two more Italian banks failed over the weekend– Banco Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca. (In other news, the sky is blue.) The Italian Prime Minister himself stated that depositors’ funds were at risk, so the government stepped in with a bailout and guarantee package that could cost taxpayers as

This asset has outperformed the Tulip Bubble, Mississippi Bubble, and dot-com Bubble

This morning I had the pleasure of spending an hour of my life tracking down a missing wire transfer that had been sent to a large, multinational bank more than two weeks ago. I’m sure you’ve been there, being passed around various departments like the village bicycle, each time having

It’s now a “human right” to NOT be offended. Unless you’re the one who’s offended.

In the latest episode of the completely psychotic breakdown of Western values, Canada’s government has just passed a law that champions sexual identity over science. It’s called C-16, “An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code”. Both of these codes prohibit discrimination against individuals based

Argentina issues 100-year bond. What could possibly go wrong?

Apparently while I was in the air yesterday flying between Asia and Europe, the financial system proved once again that it believes in magic beans. The latest absurdity is that the government of Argentina sold $2.75 billion worth of bonds yesterday afternoon. It’s not strange or unusual for a government

Take advantage of this free insurance policy for your savings

This is the very first article I’m writing to you on the brand new Macbook Pro that I just purchased here in Hong Kong. It’s the fully loaded version with 16GB of RAM, a 1 TB SSD hard drive, and 3.5 GHz i7 processor. Given that I actually run Linux

The foreign business incentives in this country can help double your income

Yesterday I spent all afternoon meeting with government officials here in the Philippines, and I’m still in shock. I’ll explain– About a year and a half ago I purchased a fairly large manufacturing business that is oddly enough based in Australia. It’s been a fantastic investment so far, primarily because

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