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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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The “justice” system killed this guy for stealing $14

During the winter of 1796, a Frenchman named Eugene Francois Vidocq was sentenced to eight years of hard labor after being convicted of document forgery. It was a remarkably harsh punishment for a non-violent crime, especially in Vidocq’s case as there was not even a victim. Yet this took place

Demand for physical gold is collapsing

I serve on the Board of Directors of a large Singapore-based company that’s in the gold and silver business. And, last night during our quarterly conference call, the management team gave me a lot of intriguing information. Sales of physical gold and silver are collapsing across the entire industry. At

What do these CEOs know that we don’t?

Last night a good friend of mine came over for dinner. He’s originally from Poland, and growing up there he heard a lot of bizarre stories about what it was like during the Nazi invasion and World War II. In 1939, even as 1.5 million German soldiers prepared to invade,

How one Silicon Valley entrepreneur lost his faith in the system

Today I’m going to introduce you to my friend Ben, easily one of the most unique, intelligent people I know. I first met Ben at my summer Liberty and Entrepreneurship camp several years ago. He had recently dropped out of Harvard after winning the prestigious Peter Thiel fellowship, which has

The most shocking revelation from the CIA spying scandal

It happened again– another spying scandal in the Land of the Free. Yesterday Wikileaks released 8,761 CIA documents detailing the agency’s hacking of smart phones, routers, computers, and even televisions. These files reveal that the CIA can and has hacked devices that were supposedly secure– iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.

Sock puppets and vomiting ghosts

[Editor’s note: This letter was written by Tim Price, manager of the VT Price Value Fund and frequent Sovereign Man contributor.] It was at the height of the dot-com bubble in 1999 that The Onion famously satirized the epically irrational stock market: “Anabaena, a photosynthesizing, nitrogen-fixing algae with 1999 revenues

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