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Peter Schiff: Don’t buy the Fed’s celebratory gunfire

Why the dollar will lose its status as the global reserve currency

The ‘Passport Price War’ ends on June 30, 2024

Social Security will run out of money in nine years

Even the Soviet Union had better sense than this…

Inspired Idiot: Canadian “Healthcare” Edition

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More unbelievable facts from the US government’s own financial reports

Yesterday I told you that the US government had recently released its annual financial report to the public. And the numbers are pretty gruesome. For example, the government’s “net loss” in fiscal year 2016 more than doubled, from MINUS $467 billion to MINUS $1 trillion. It’s astonishing that anyone could

US government’s 2016 net loss “more than doubled” to NEGATIVE $1 trillion

Every year around this time the US federal government releases an annual financial report to the public. It would be hilarious if the numbers weren’t actually true. Just like Apple or Exxon, the government’s annual report contains several important financial statements and detailed commentary about their finances and operations. But

How I earned 16% in a single week

I don’t understand Snapchat. I hate sounding like a grumpy old curmudgeon (I’m only 38!), but it’s true. If you have kids, you may have seen Snapchat… or if you’re one of our many younger readers, you probably use it yourself. I understand the basic premise– people share photos with

Meanwhile, over in Zimbabwe. . .

On April 12, 2009, the government of Zimbabwe officially abandoned its currency. You probably remember the stories; starting in the early 2000s, the Zimbabwe central bank began printing massive quantities of money in order for the government to make ends meet. This resulted in one of the worst episodes of

This ancient city would still be among the wealthiest in the world today

In the year 440 BC, more than two decades into the reign of Pericles, an audit of treasury in Athens showed a massive surplus of more than 9700 “talents”. A talent was a common unit of measurement in the ancient world, especially for gold and silver. And, based on today’s

Not that there’s any inflation, but . . .

The numbers are pretty startling. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. 1 out of every 3 Americans has nothing set aside for retirement. And, according to Federal Reserve data, the median working-age couple has saved just $5,000 for retirement. How is this even possible? How

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