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Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation

Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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Enjoy this four minutes of paradise

In light of the insanity that has transpired over the last several weeks, today I thought I would show you a beautiful, forgotten corner of the world. This is a video that my friend Shawn took of his home in New Zealand. He lives in a very small town, and

Obama on pace to increase the debt by $2.4 trillion this year

OK, this is pretty nuts. According to data released by the Treasury Department yesterday, the US national debt has soared by a whopping $294 billion since the start of the 2017 fiscal year, just 45 days ago. That’s an annualized increase of 13%. So if they keep up this pace,

War on Cash intensifies: Citibank to stop accepting cash at some branches

Less than a week after India’s surprise move to scrap its highest denomination cash notes, another front in the War on Cash has intensified down under in Australia. Yesterday, banking giant UBS proposed that eliminating Australia’s $100 and $50 bills would be “good for the economy and good for the

Overheard in the Land of the Free

When I was in Texas over the weekend taking a quick break from a whirlwind trip around the world, I went to one of the biggest shopping malls in Dallas to buy a birthday present for the CFO of our agriculture business. The mall is called the Galleria, and it’s

No, protestors, you are not entitled to free education

Bleary-eyed from the 16+ hour flight from Asia, I checked my phone last night once the plane landed to find that riots have broken out across the Land of the Free. It was enough to wake me from my jet lag. All the televisions in the airport terminal were showing

Most people in the US missed out on this

Several months ago, the voters of the United Kingdom chose to walk away from the European Union. They called it “Brexit”. And it rocked the world. The entire establishment– banks, businesses, media, politicians, celebrities– had been pushing the British people to remain in the European Union. And all the so-called

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