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The ‘Passport Price War’ ends on June 30, 2024

Social Security will run out of money in nine years

Even the Soviet Union had better sense than this…

Inspired Idiot: Canadian “Healthcare” Edition

Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation

Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lina “Genghis” Khan’s Rampage Continues

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Congress wants to turn the US Postal Service… into a bank

It’s news that seems ripped from the pages of The Onion. Or perhaps Atlas Shrugged. But incredibly enough it’s actually true: earlier this week, Congress proposed a new law authorizing the US Postal Service to provide banking and financial services. It’s called the “Providing Opportunities for Savings, Transactions, and Lending”

Meet the world leader who stole his citizens’ gold–

Even before his coronation in 1626, King Charles I of England was almost bankrupt. His predecessors King James and Queen Elizabeth had run the royal treasury down to almost nothing. Costly war and military folly had taken its toll. The crown had simply wasted far too much money, and brought

Infographic visualizing America’s new $19 trillion debt

In case you missed it, yesterday we alerted you that the United States government has now officially accumulated $19 trillion in debt. This time it took them just 427 days of printing to pile on this last trillion dollars, compared to the over 75,000 days it took to rack up

The United States just hit $19 TRILLION in debt…

On October 22, 1981, the national debt in the United States of America hit $1 trillion for the first time in history. It had taken the US federal government over two centuries to reach that mark. And in that period, America had won its independence and built a nation from

Good things require a little bit of effort. So does freedom.

It’s been nearly a dozen years now that I’ve been living abroad as an expat. In that period I’ve lived in at least half a dozen countries and traveled to more than 100 on all seven continents. People often ask me questions like when am I going ‘back home’, as

058: The best kept secret in finance (with Tim Price)

This week I’ve been down in Southern Chile with the Board of Directors of our agricultural company. It’s summertime right now, and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. Last night, after a long day visiting one of the farms I had a chance to sit down with Tim Price to share

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