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Even the Soviet Union had better sense than this…

Inspired Idiot: Canadian “Healthcare” Edition

Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation

Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End

Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lina “Genghis” Khan’s Rampage Continues

Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

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How is it possible that the dollar is rising and falling at the same time?

In astronomy, there’s an important concept known as ‘parallax’, which refers to how a star’s position appears to change based on the position and motion of the observer. The earth is constantly moving along its orbit around the sun. And as this happens, the position of a star in the

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[Editor’s note: This letter was penned by Tim Price, London-based wealth manager and frequent Sovereign Man contributor.] Seven years on from the collapse of Lehman Brothers, everything has changed, and yet nothing has changed. There is no longer a perception of panic. $14 trillion of central bank stimulus has seen

Congress wants to seize your passport for unpaid taxes starting January 1st

Sometimes you just have to stand in awe at the level of corruption and incompetence in government. Case in point, the new highway bill in the Land of the Free. And, trust me, you’ll love this. The latest version of the highway bill is called the “Developing a Reliable and

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Advice for anyone who’s afraid

Lately when I talk to my friends around the world, I get the distinct sense that there’s a dark cloud hanging in the air. I feel it particularly from those in North America and Europe. Terrorism is on everyone’s mind. All the headlines have to do with ISIS, who’s been

056: Emotional decisions are almost always bad decisions

I want to tell you about a time when I was really scared. Terrified. It was back in 2003, right as George W. Bush made his final decision to send the ‘coalition of the willing’ north into Iraq. Saddam Hussein knew he was finished. And, in a fit of desperation,

France’s answer to terrorism: The Law of Suspects

On April 5, 1793, decorated French military commander Charles Dumouriez caused a sensational panic in Paris when he fled the country and defected to Austria. It had been nearly four years since French peasants stormed the Bastille, the event that historians generally regard as the start of the French Revolution.

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