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Columbia University is looking like a terrorist training camp

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Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless

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I believe we have a moral obligation to starve the beast.

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038: This isn't a currency war, it's a currency siege

April 9, 2015 Medellín, Colombia The world has truly gone mad. We’ve become accustomed somewhat in the last several years to historical anomalies such as zero percent interest rates, Quantitative Easing, competitive currency devaluation, etc. by governments and central banks the world over. It’s almost become the new norm. But then

This paradise is still one of the best kept secrets in the world

April 8, 2015 Medellín, Colombia About a week ago after having one of those days, I felt like unwinding by turning off the world and tuning in to some mindless action flick. Netflix heeded the call and immediately served up 1994’s Clear and Present Danger starring a slightly younger Harrison

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