Ukraine Country Profile

For more details visit Ukraine Passport Ranking
  • Passport Grade
  • Passport Ranking
  • Passport Score
  • Visa-free Countries
  • Visa-required Countries
  • Access to the World's GDP
  • Access to the World's Surface Area
  • Access to the World's Population
  • Access to the Unesco Sites
Citizenship and Naturalization
Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
  • Birthright citizenship (Jus Soli)
    No provisions
Naturalization - Standard Conditions
  • Minimum residency period
    5 years
  • Physical presence requirement
  • Language test
    Yes, Ukranian
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
    Yes, but there are several exceptions
  • Can minor children naturalize?
  • Can naturalized parents pass citizenship to a child born abroad?
  • Can you lose naturalization due to prolonged absence/ naturalization elsewhere?
Naturalization - Your Spouse is a Citizen
  • Living IN the country: Residency/marriage requirement
    0 years / 2 years
    Must be married for 2 years. No in-country residency requirements.
  • Living ABROAD: Marriage requirement
    2 years
    Can reside abroad.
  • Language test
    Yes, Ukranian
  • Need to renounce original citizenship?
    Yes, but there are several exceptions.
Naturalization - Other Beneficial Provisions
  • Your child is a citizen
    No provisions
  • Citizens of specific countries
    No provisions
"–": The provision has not been analysed.
Visas and Residencies
Visas and Residencies
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Taxation Type
A tax resident of a country with a RESIDENCE-BASED tax system pays taxes on their WORLDWIDE income. However, if you lose tax residency status there (e.g., by moving out), the country will generally stop taxing you.

Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.
Ukraine Overview
  • Region
  • Capital City
  • Largest City
  • Currency
    Ukrainian hryvnia
  • Languages
    Ukrainian, Russian
  • Population
    41.1 million (36th)
  • Life Expectancy
    73.5 years (145th)
  • GDP (Nominal)
    $199.7 billion (56th)
  • GDP/Capita
    4855.747686 (124th)
Useful Data
For more details visit Cost of Living
  • Cost of Living
    Dirt-cheap (1/7)
  • Climate
    Average (3/5)
  • Safety
    Not analyzed
  • Pollution
    Average (3/5)
  • English Proficiency
    Moderate (3/5)

Sovereign Global Explorer

Benefiting from over a decade of our team’s boots-on-the-ground experience, Global Explorer is where your international journey begins.

Articles featuring Ukraine

Trends & News

Checkpoint Charlie is back: Ukraine starts building a new Berlin Wall

February 11, 2015 Puerto Varas, Chile On August 13, 1961, the government of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) began to establish an “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart”. The idea was to, you know, protect people… from fascist terrorists who intended to do harm in the country. Just weeks after government officials stated that they had ‘no […]

Trends & News

What the Russian (and Chinese) papers are saying about Ukraine

March 5, 2014 En route to Colombia “Putin: Unconstitutional coup is taking place in Ukraine. The U.S halted military cooperation and trade negotiations with Russia” That’s the headline from a Beijing newspaper– and no surprise that it leans slightly to the Russian side. The article goes on: “Russian president Putin said on 4th March that […]

Trends & News

Valuable Lessons From Bad Planning: Russia and Ukraine Edition

[Editor’s Note: The below article was written by our team member, Marat, who is from Russia originally ] To say that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is turning people’s lives upside down would be a massive understatement. Here’s one example: A few years ago, after Russia’s annexation of Crimea, one Ukrainian businessman we know saw the […]

Trends & News

Leaked document: Ukraine's government to eliminate... everything.

December 10, 2014 Santiago, Chile As the holiday season approaches you might have mistletoe on your mind for cheery, romantic reasons. What you might not have known however is that the festive flora and its relatives are all actually parasites. Unable to photosynthesize to feed itself, mistletoe latches on to a host plant and steals […]

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