Going global– what to do right now

July 14, 2010
Bath, England
For beginners, planting multiple flags can seem like a complex topic. How does one even begin selecting jurisdictions? How do you actually go about selecting the right offshore bank, or foreign real estate agent? What are the best passport opportunities available?
Until now, there hasn’t been a ‘quick start’ guide to explain all of these concepts and get people headed in the right direction. I try to cover each of these topics in our daily conversations, but frankly there’s just way too much information to convey… and this public e-letter isn’t always a suitable forum to discuss sensitive topics.
A few months ago, though, I was asked by my friends at Casey Research to co-author a new comprehensive report to address these issues.
We spent months working on what I believe is now the best multiple flags overview in the industry– it covers all the core topics like banking, passports, gold storage, retirement accounts, foreign property, offshore structures, currency diversification, renunciation, and more.
I can tell you that I had a very significant role in putting together this product, and as I sat down to write my sections, I kept the needs of the Sovereign Man community in mind.
This report is written especially for you. And my goal is that, by the time you finish, you’ll know exactly what you need to do next, and how.
As such, if you find yourself just getting started with your multiple flags action plan, or if you’re not sure how to get started, this special report is definitely the most useful tool out there for you.
I’d love for you to take a look and send me your feedback.

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