Search Results for: age of turmoil – Page 2

German Assets at Greek Discounts

September 23, 2010 Munich, Germany Despite being governed and regulated by federal policies, local economies within a single nation or monetary union typical vary wildly. In the United States, for example, Texas is having an easier time than, say, Florida. Oklahoma City isn’t suffering as much as Detroit. Etc. The

It’s time to act

September 20, 2010 Chicago, IL, USA If you’ve ever been on a safari or studied animals in the wild, you’ve probably noticed that they have razor sharp instincts. For animals, sometimes their lives depend on their sense of awareness and instinct. Whether it’s a deer in the forest or herd

Pick your battles

September 16, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA I was reading an article online a few days ago that one of our members was kind enough to send along. The article described how public transit commuters in Philadelphia are now being randomly subjected to forced pat downs and baggage searches with explosives-sniffing

Building trusted networks

September 14, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA It’s true that no one is an island. The concept of a community is one of the basic building blocks of the human experience, and we have been building communities since we first walked the earth. Traditionally, human beings formed families, and families became

Declare your economic independence

September 13, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA What would you do if your sole source of income dried up tomorrow? Would you be prepared? Do you have a plan? In the Age of Turmoil, many income sources that were considered ‘stable’ in the old system will be at risk; this includes

Information about our premium service

September 10, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA I’ve really enjoyed reading so many of your insightful comments over the last few days as we’ve engaged in a serious discussion about the Age of Turmoil. Like you, I hate to dwell on the negative, but I think it’s critical to frame the

Capital Preservation

September 9, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA How would you feel if a gang of criminals broke into your home, stole your most valuable possessions, and then went on national TV to claim it was for your own good? My guess is that you would be pretty angry. Yet this is

Will you have your life turned upside down because of limiting choices?

Yesterday we began a series of articles covering what I think is the most important issue we face.  If you missed it, I encourage you to read the post before proceeding. We have entered what I call the Age of Turmoil, a time that is marked by rapid change and

Family challenges of expatriation

August 30, 2010 Frankfurt Airport, Germany Though I’m penning this letter to you from the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, I will likely be somewhere over Nova Scotia by the time you receive it. My father is quite ill– I’m traveling to the United States to see him, as well as

Who can you rely on?

August 17, 2010 Krakow, Poland I opened up the papers a few days ago, and the top story really surprised me. The Russian government announced that it was banning grain and flour exports through the rest of the year. Belarus and Kazakhstan may do the same. Russia is dealing with

America’s biggest bank sounds the alarm bell

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, did not open his annual shareholder letter with rosy language about the state of the world, or even enthusiasm about his bank’s record profits. Instead, he describes “yet another year of significant challenges” including the war in Ukraine, war in the Middle

Future headline: Feds Desperate to Track Down Hamas-Linked Migrants— to offer them free housing

In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future… and to where all of this insanity leads. “Future Headline Friday” is our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. While our satire may be

How to make 41% because Klaus Schwab is an idiot

Our bizarre yet wonderful world today is full of ridiculous logic and false equivalencies. We’ve been told, for example, that “silence is violence”. Or that misgendering someone is “literal violence”. It’s almost funny how much the left loves to preach against violence. Yet these are the same people who have

Argentina Rentista Visa 2023: A closer look at this updated residency program

Looking to make Argentina your second home? The country’s Rentista Visa program offers retirees and folks with passive income (e.g. from property rentals) the ability to obtain residency there. Plus, you can apply for Argentinian citizenship after just two years of residency. Let’s get into the details below… A closer

Why we could easily see $5,000+ gold

On the 18th of September, in the year 324 AD, 52-year old Constantine the Great finally won the victory that he had been fighting for two decades to achieve: sole control of the Roman Empire. At that point the Roman Empire had suffered more than a century of extreme turmoil–