1984? Twitter Mob cancels English Literature

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

San Francisco Drug Overdoses Outpace COVID Deaths

San Francisco is a city that implemented some of the more strict COVID lockdowns in 2020, inside a state that may have been the most draconian in the US.

And while San Francisco has only seen 173 COVID-19 deaths in 2020, the city has watched as 621 people died of drug overdoses.

In 2019 there were 441 San Francisco deaths from a drug overdose in San Francisco; so even just the INCREASE in drug overdose deaths from 2019 to 2020 (an increase of 180) is greater than the number of COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco.

This echoes other unintended consequences from lockdown isolation, such as Japan’s spiking suicide rate.

Click here to read the full story.

Twitter Mob Takes Aim at Classic Novels Taught in Schools

Under the hashtag #DisruptTexts, English and Literature teachers across the United States are banding together to censor dangerous classic novels.

For example, a teacher in Lawrence Massachusetts said that the organization #DisruptTexts helped her school district remove Homer’s The Odyssey from the curriculum.

Others have done away with the “slut-shaming” classic, The Scarlet Letter, as well as Shakespeare for his works written “at a time when hate-ridden sentiments prevailed.”

The idea is that anything written too long ago will reflect the bias and prejudice of the past, and fail to properly indoctrinate students into the correct way of thinking, according to the woke Twitter mobsters.

Instead the organization has partnered with Penguin Publishing to suggest teachers use titles such as Antiracist Baby a “picture book that empowers parents and children to uproot racism in our society and in ourselves… to help readers recognize and reflect on bias in their daily lives.”

Click here if you want to see the #DisruptTexts website for yourself.

High School Student Sues Over Woke Curriculum

A high school student from Nevada, William Clark, has filed suit against his high school for forcing its woke curriculum on him.

Clark has a white father and black mother; his father is deceased and he is growing up in a predominantly black household with two black siblings.

But given that he has a white biological father, Clark is “regarded by his peers as white”. And that’s enough for him to be guilty.

According to the lawsuit, Clark’s high school is forcing him to “unlearn the basic Judeo-Christian principles” from his upbringing.

These values include “the proposition that every person is unique and equal before the eyes of God and will be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.”

But Clark’s public school doesn’t believe in such principles.

To them, whiteness is oppressive. And despite Clark being half black (i.e. just as black as Barack Obama), he is deemed to be an oppressor by school officials.

The lawsuit alleges that school officials deliberately misled parents about the curriculum and did not inform anyone that their children would be indoctrinated into Critical Race Theory and other woke principles.

In one class in particular, a mandatory ‘Sociology of Change’ course required for all students, the teacher greets students in the morning with “Hello my wonderful social justice warriors!”

Students are expected to label and identify themselves based exclusively on gender, race, sexuality, and religion and then determine if your identity is associated with oppression or privilege.

(The study material makes it easy by pre-determining for the students which identities are oppressors, and which are victims.)

Those with oppressor identities would then be forced to submit themselves for ridicule by the rest of the class.

Clark chose not to participate in the exercises. And for his resistance, he received failing grades, which will prevent him from graduating and threaten his college prospects.

Click here to read the full lawsuit.

Sheriff’s Office Makes List of Innocent Kids Susceptible to “fall into a life of crime”

Pasco County Florida thinks it can predict which kids will grow up to be criminals. So it keeps a detailed list of these innocent children.

Factors which land kids on the list include getting bad grades in school, witnessing or being the victim of violence at home, and even “a juvenile’s social network,” which the Sheriff’s office tracks.

Other factors which have landed 420 children on the list of potential criminals include “hanging around in public”.

This is all described in the Sheriff’s office’s own manual, in a section on crime prevention.

Deputies do engage some of the at-risk youth. But the main objective seems to be spying and intelligence gathering to aid in investigations– not to innocently mentor youth.

Click here to read the manual.

UK Bans “Buy One Get One Free”

In the country’s quest to save people from themselves, the United Kingdom will ban “buy one get one free” offers, and other promotions, on unhealthy food items.

The rules which go into effect in April 2022 also forbid restaurants from giving free soda refills, and stop unhealthy items from being featured at the checkout.

The argument is that obesity related illness costs the socialized healthcare system of the UK 6 billion pounds per year.

Therefore the government has the right to dictate health standards to citizens and businesses alike.

Click here to read the full story.

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