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Social Security will run out of money in nine years

Even the Soviet Union had better sense than this…

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China flag
Look at what the Chinese do to protect themselves from their government

February 16, 2015 En route to the Land of the Free Two years ago, Mr. Chan saw an opportunity. Thanks to tight government control of the Internet, launching a website in China is an intensely bureaucratic affair. It takes much more than just buying a domain and hosting it. In

Surreal: IRS apologizes for seizing bank accounts

February 12, 2015 Puerto Varas, Chile Twenty-seven years ago at the 1988 Republican National Convention in New Orleans, George H. W. Bush accepted his party’s nomination to run for President of the United States. (This was when he announced Dan Quayle as his running mate, to which Senator John McCain

Why your government thinks you’re a total sucker

February 12, 2015 Puerto Varas, Chile Ten years ago, the legendary American mathematician Edward Lorenz paid a visit to the University of Maryland’s Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Department. As retold by Professor Christopher Danforth of the University of Vermont— At some point during his stay, [Lorenz] penned the following on

Checkpoint Charlie is back: Ukraine starts building a new Berlin Wall

February 11, 2015 Puerto Varas, Chile On August 13, 1961, the government of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) began to establish an “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart”. The idea was to, you know, protect people… from fascist terrorists who intended to do harm in the country. Just weeks after government officials

033: This is exactly how the banking system will collapse

The modern banking industry is a scam. By making a deposit you are loaning your hard-earned savings to a bank, for which they pay you a whopping 0.1% interest (maybe). In some parts of the world they now even charge you interest for the privilege of loaning them your money.

The best foreign real estate is like a safety deposit box with a view

February 10, 2015 Puerto Varas, Chile Carrying cash is a really risky affair these days. Nearly everywhere I travel in the world (typically 30-40 countries each year), there are signs and warnings about carrying too much cash. Customs agents often ask me “how much cash are you carrying”, and you

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