This will be about the weirdest thing you see today

March 6, 2015
Tokyo, Japan

You know that we talk a lot about the insane level of government interference in our lives. About what we can and cannot put in our bodies. The amount of interest we’re entitled to receive on our savings. Etc.

But I’m noticing now even more ridiculous trends of governments wanting to get involved in people’s sex lives.

Last year the Danish government promoted an initiative called “Do it for Denmark”, encouraging Danes to travel abroad and have sex while on holidays. They even have a pretty racy Youtube video featuring a scantily clad gorgeous blonde waiting to do her duty for her country and procreate.

Singapore as well has a catchy jingle about going out and making babies, brought to you by the same guys who did the Mentos theme song.

The Swedish government actually spent taxpayer money on its new genitals song, so it can start indoctrinating children early on how they can make babies.

Here in Japan, which has one of the lowest birthrates in the world, the government is desperate to find solutions to what it calls its libido crisis.

According to their data, Japanese men aren’t terribly interested in sex and the women find sex to be bothersome.

Japanese being expert process engineers are coming up with a government solution to reengineer sexual desire in their country.

(I have to imagine that if this solution reached US soil, the government option would include the smooth sounds of Barack Obama whispering some pillow talk: “C’mon, lemme give you this big tax cut, baby…”)

Easily the most ridiculous solution they came up with is to impose a ‘handsome tax’ on attractive men. I thought this was a headline from the Onion, the greatest news source in the world, but it turned out to be true.

The idea being that if you tax handsome men, then less attractive men would have more money and hence be able to attract women.

Zerohedge covered this in fantastic detail—I encourage you to check it out. This is not a joke.

The thing that many of these countries have in common, Japan, Denmark, etc., is a rapidly declining birthrate.

A declining birthrate is disastrous for an economy, particularly for an ageing place like Japan.

Ironically, the oldest person in the world turned 117 years old yesterday—and no surprise that she’s Japanese. In fact, Japan is home to one of the oldest populations in the world and has one of the longest life expectancies.

Curiously they also have one of the largest pension programs in the world. You put all that together and you have fewer and fewer young people paying more and more of their income to support a disproportionately large population of retirees who are living for decades after they stop working.

Each one of these governments is trying to find a solution to fix this unsustainable fiscal problem.

In Denmark they seem to think that people aren’t going on vacation enough. In Japan they think it’s a problem of sexual desire. But in actuality it has everything to do with cost of living.

Month to month, year to year, it’s hard to notice the subtle changes in costs of living and standards of living, but after a long period of time it’s easy to look back and remember how things used to be.

You used to be able to support a family on a single income. You used to be able to afford medical care and higher education.

It’s often said that the greatest expense that someone will have in their life is his or her home. That’s total nonsense.

Now, I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but the biggest expense most people will have is family, and particularly children.

And after years and years of suffering through pitiful, destructive policies that have chronically made people less prosperous, it’s no surprise that they’re coming to the conclusion—you know, we can’t really afford to have a child right now.

There are consequences to conjuring money out of thin air. There are consequences to destructive policies.

So destructive in fact that central bankers and politicians even have the power to make a population disappear.

How ironic that they try to fix their own problem by trying to introduce themselves into our bedrooms.

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